Loss Reserving and Financial Engineering (CM2) provides a grounding in the principles of actuarial modelling, focusing on stochastic asset-liability models and the valuation of financial derivatives. It equips the student with a knowledge of the theories of behaviour of financial markets, measures of risk, determining reserves for a non-life insurer and price options. The subject includes theory and application of the ideas to real data sets using excel.
This subject equips the students with knowledge of financial markets, derivatives and reserving techniques using excel.
This will be examined in a set of 2 papers. CM2A is 3 hours and 20 mins paper and CM2B is 1 hour 50 minutes exam and tests Excel programming along with reserving and financial markets. Both elements need to be taken at the same examination sitting. Failure to reach the overall pass mark will require both elements of assessment to be retaken.
In the CM subjects, the approximate split of assessment across the three skill
types is 20% Knowledge, 65% Application and 15% Higher Order skills.