The Investment and Finance subjects provide a comprehensive introduction to the specialist areas of Investment and Finance (SP5) and Financial Derivatives (SP6) and Investment and Finance Applications (SA7). Through the core reading students have the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills needed for Chief Investment Officer, or similar, roles in financial institutions.
SA7 builds on the Specialist Principles subject SP5 (formerly ST5), and earlier subjects, combining the practical application of investment and finance to allow critical analysis across all major areas of investment practice.
The aim of Investment and Finance Principles (SP5) is to develop a student’s ability to apply the main principles and techniques of actuarial management and control that are relevant to the management of investments.
It builds on material covered in earlier subjects to cover the key principles of evaluating investments, including the appropriate selection and effective risk management of a portfolio of investments that meet the needs of a particular investor.
It is 3 hours and 20 mins-based assessment.
In the SP subjects, the approximate split of assessment across these three skill types is 25% Knowledge, 50% Application and 25% Higher Order Skills.